Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church is a part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and is located in Norfolk, Nebraska
It's all about Jesus
God is here to serve all people.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God with us: Creator Savior, Comforter. And He gives us names to call Him: Emmanuel, LORD, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Son of Man, I AM. Though we rebel against God, He is for us and not against us because of the cross and empty tomb of Jesus.
How does God serve us?
Through His word and sacraments God freely gives us truth, life, forgiveness, peace and so much more in Jesus. God shows up where He promises to feed and strengthen us with His truth and love. That's why we call it a worship service. God serves us.
We are here to serve you as well.
Pastors and laypeople alike. How can we pray for you and walk with you on your faith journey with Jesus at the foot of the cross, outside the empty tomb?